Moving–it might be one of the things that I have involuntarily done so many times while I was growing up, and it has become something that I have got used to overtime. While in Brazil, I have lived in three different states and moved a total of eighteen times. After moving to the USA, I have lived in three different states as well, and at twelve different places. I have learned so much during all these 30 moving times. For example, I learned that moving isn’t as bad as it sounds, you make friends everywhere you go, and it’s actually such an exciting feeling to move to a place where anyone knows you, and explore the new place you have moved to.

Moving tips and advice:
- Get rid of things: in my adult life, I have always handpicked what I was going to bring with me in the next chapter of my life. Then I usually donate or sell the items that didn’t make the cut. The best things to family members, the ones that were too valuable I sold and I donated the rest to whoever wanted it.
- Take a picture of how you want things to go back: If you really like how things are placed in their current place and want to replicate it, take a picture! You might think that it will be easy to remember it all later, but I recommend taking a picture so you don’t need to struggle to remember later if your brain decided to not keep a memory picture of it all.
- Keep clothes on hangers: One of the mistakes I did on my early moving days, was to remove the hanger from clothes. Keeping the hangers will make your work so much easier later, as you can just grab and put them back to where they should be. Extra tip: keep clothes that are folded as they are in your storage, so later you can just grab and put them back.
- Start packing: I start packing the things that I won’t need until the moving date, and I go packing as I feel I won’t need these things until I have everything packed. While packing things, do yourself the favor of organizing them in categories so you know where things are if you need them during the process. I like to say that I can find anything I want, anytime I want.
- Ship it: If you’re a solo rider like me and don’t have furniture to move with, you might just have a few boxes to move to the new place. Shipping boxes instead of bringing them with me in the airplane ended up being less expensive while moving from Virginia to Utah.
- Invite your friends to make the move, or hire a moving company: My friends usually resent coming to help me later because I have so MANY things and I joke that I always need to make new friends rotate who will help me with the next move. Jokes aside, it takes a true friend to help you with that, so if you want to spare your people from moving all the crap you have collected all the years, hire someone! This is also probably the best option if you’re specific on how things should be handled because your friends might not be as interested in your “high maintenance” needs.
- Hiring a company: This might be the best option if you want people to have control of how people will treat your belongings. If you’re moving within Utah, The Muscle Men Movers should be your pick! They are experienced movers that have the proper equipment to move it all safely–documents, money, timeless papers, gun safes–to the next destination.